IELTS Academic Reading Tests 2024 With Answers PDF
IELTS Academic Reading Test 2024 With Answers
You will be given 1 hour to complete all 3 sections of the IELTS Academic Reading test.
time and give just one hour to complete all three parts. This practice
test contains 40 questions. One mark is given for each question.
Here you can find complete sample IELTS academic reading tests to practice IELTS reading. All tests are constantly updated and correspond to the real sections of the exam.
Select one of the practice tests below given links. Read the text and answer the questions. Then click "check" and you will see correct and incorrect answers and get your result. You can now go to the next section and do the same. After finishing the third section, click on “Check Your Answers”.
Instructions for IELTS Reading
- Each section contains one long text.
The articles are authentic and are taken from books, magazines,
magazines and newspapers. They are written for a diverse audience and
cover academic topics of general interest.
- The texts are suitable
and available to candidates applying for undergraduate or graduate
courses or seeking professional registration.
- Articles range from
descriptive and factual to mystical and analytical. Texts may contain
non-verbal objects such as illustrations, graphs, or illustrations. If
articles contain technical terms, a simple glossary will be developed.
- There are three texts and 40 questions.
Thus, the type of questions asked in IELTS academic reading test -
- Multiple choice
- Identity Information (True / False / Not Specified)
- Identifying the views / statements of the author (yes / no / unspecified)
- Relevant information
- Relevant headers
- Relevant functions
- Matching sentence endings
- Completion of a sentence
- Final completion
- Completing the note
- Completing the table
- Completing the flowchart
- Completing the chart shortcut
- Short answers to questions
can be asked any of these types of questions in any of the three parts
of your test. Below are sample academic reading test questions that you
can practice. After you try these sample tests, you can refer to the
provided answer keys to verify your answers.
As you run the
sample tests, in each sample you will have some time to review the
questions before you start recording and some time at the end to check
your answers.
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