Recent IELTS Speaking Test & Questions June 2022 | New IELTS Speaking Test - IELTS Updates And Recent Exams

Recent IELTS Speaking Test & Questions June 2022 | New IELTS Speaking Test

"Speaking Test Nigeria, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you collect things?
- Is there anything you have kept since childhood?
- Where do you usually store the things you collect?
- Will you keep the old things for a long time? Why?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about the occasion when you gave someone a gift. Please tell me

- What the gift was
- How you chose it
- Explain how he/she reacted.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What are the things to keep in mind while buying a gift?
- Is it easy to choose clothes for a gift? Why?
- On what occasions do people usually give gifts in your country?
- Do you think that in the future the typical gifts of today will be replaced by something else?
- How will gifts change in the future?

(Shared By A.T)

"Speaking Test Canada, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Where are you living now?
- What do you prefer most about the place where you live?
- Do you have any friends there?
- What can be improved where you live?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a place in the countryside that you visited. Please tell me

- Where it is
- When you visit this place
- What you did there

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do young people enjoy living in rural areas?
- Do older people like to live in villages or cities?
- Why do so many people move from small towns to big cities?
- How has life changed in the villages of your country?

(Shared By S.S)

"Speaking Test Australia, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you think talent plays a crucial role?
- Do you have a talent or something you specialize in?

- Do you think that your talent can be useful for your future work?
- Do you think your family members have the same talents?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an invention that changed the world. Please Tell me

- What the invention is
- When it was created
- How it changed the world

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do you think inventions make us lazy?
- Why do you think inventions are important?
- What is the most useful invention of household goods?
- Do you think inventions have made household items safer?

(Shared By K.B)

"Speaking Test UK, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like meeting your friends?
- Where do you like to meet your friends the most?
- What do you think, are there places suitable for dating?
- Have the meeting places changed now compared to the past?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a city that you think is very interesting. Please tell me

- Where it is
- What the city is famous for
- Why it is interesting
- Explain how you feel about it.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What are the benefits of tourism to a city?
- Why do some young people prefer to live in cities?
- Do most seniors live in urban or rural areas?
- Do you think well-developed tourism will have a negative impact on the locals?

(Shared By P.C)

"Speaking Test Germany, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you use computer?
- When did you first use a computer?
- Under what circumstances would you use a computer?
- How was your life without computer?
- In what situations would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a course that impressed you a lot. Please tell me

- What the course was about
- Where you took the course
- What you learn from this course
- Explain why it impressed you a lot.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do you think people should pay for secondary education? Why?
- Is it good or bad for people to get free education in the future?
- Do you think it is the responsibility of the government to provide free education?
- Why some people argue that it is not the responsibility of the government?

(Shared By R.M)

"Speaking Test Canada, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you own a car?
- How often do you use the car?
- Do you think it is necessary to learn to drive a car?
- Are there many traffic jams in your city?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved. Please tell me

- What it is
- Why you haven't achieved it
- What you did
- Explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What ambitions do children usually have?
- Why don't some people have dreams?
- How do people balance work and life?
- Do you think that dreams are necessary to achieving success in life?
- Are people's goals changing with age?

(Shared By A.S)

"Speaking Test Hong Kong, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you live in an apartment/house?
- How long have you lived there?
- What is your favorite room? Why?
- Can you describe the view from the window of your room?
- Are you planning to stay there in the future?
- What kind of housing would you like to have in the future?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a time when you were very busy. Please tell me

- When it happened
- Where you were
- What you did
- Explain why you were very busy.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Are you often busy?
- What are the pros and cons when people keep busy?
- What type of stressful things do people experience at work?
- Do you think children should learn by playing games or under pressure?

(Shared By W.K)

"Speaking Test Japan, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you enjoy visiting street markets?
- Do you enjoy shopping in the mall or street market?
- What kind of things do people usually buy in the street market?
- Are there many street markets in your nation?
- Would you like to go to the street market abroad? Why?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about something you do that can help you concentrate on study/work. Please tell me

- What it is
- How it helps you concentrate
- When you do it
- Explain how you feel about it.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why is it more difficult for teenagers to concentrate these days than in the past?
- Do you believe that technology will harm children's ability to concentrate?
- What types of jobs require high concentration at work?
- Can exercise help people improve concentration?

(Shared By R.Y)

"Speaking Test USA, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you use a mobile phone?
- When did you buy your first phone?
- Do you use text messages?
- What are the benefits of text messages?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about the skills you learned from an older person you know. Please tell me

- Who the person was?
- What you learnt and how?
- Whether it was difficult or not?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do the things children learn in school differ from their grandparents?
- What kind of help do senior citizens need from young people?
- What benefits do the aid-giver and the aid-receiver get from interacting with each other?
- Do you believe in helping older ones you do not know? why?

(Shared By P.S)

"Speaking Test Kuwait, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you go to the cinema sometimes?
- How often do you go there?
- What movies do you like to watch?
- What did you enjoy watching when you were younger?
- How have your taste in movies changed over the years?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about the toy you liked playing with as a child. Please tell me

- What it was
- When you got it
- Who gave it to you

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why do you still remember that toy?
- What should parents consider before buying toys for their children?
- Apart from toys, what other household items do children usually play with?
- Why do parents buy toys for their children?

(Shared By M.S)

"Speaking Test South Africa, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you think friendship is important?
- How often do you meet your friends?
- How often do people in your country meet others and make friends?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a friend you like to talk with. Please tell me

- Who he is?
- What you like to talk about?
- Why you like to talk with him?
- Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Where do young people like to meet?
- Do you think people should be honest when talking to their friends?
- How to people talk with others when there are different types of languages are use?
- Why do world leaders talk with each other frequently. What's the reason?

(Shared By H.M)

"Speaking Test France, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you wear a watch?
- Did you receive a watch as a gift?

- Why do some people wear expensive watches?
- Do you think the watch is important for you? Why?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about something you received for free. Please tell me

- What it was?
- Who you received it from?
- Where you received it?
- Explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- When do people usually send gift to others?
- Do people give gifts at traditional festivals?
- Is it hard to choose a gift?
- Will people be happy when they receive an expensive gift?

(Shared By M.E)

"Speaking Test UK, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you make plans every day?
- Is it easy to manage time?
- Do you think it is useful to plan your time?
- Do you like being busy?
- Are you ever late for anything?
- Do you think children should learn to manage their time?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about something that was broken in your home and then fixed. Please tell me

- What it is
- How it was broken
- How you got it repaired
- Explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Is the product quality worse than before?
- What kind of things do people like to fix themselves?
- Why do people prefer to repair their mobile phones in specialized stores?
- Is refurbishment always the best option?

(Shared By A.S)

"Speaking Test USA, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you send emails often?
- Is sending emails widespread in your country?
- Do you like texting or emails?
- Do you like to have emails or postcards for your birthday? Why?
- Do you believe that email will replace letters in the future?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam. Please tell me

- When it happened
- Where it happened
- How did you spend your time waiting

Part 3 # Discussion #

- When do traffic jams usually happen?
- What are the causes of traffic jams?
- Do you think traffic congestion will decrease or get worse in the future?
- What measures do you suggest to solve the traffic problem?

(Shared By A.S)

"Speaking Test Germany, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like ancient architecture?
Have you ever seen the old buildings in the city?
- Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?
- Do you prefer to live in a modern house or an
old building?
- Are there old buildings that you would like to see in the future? Why?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a family member you want to work with in the future. Please tell me

- Who he/she is
- What he/she does
- Explain how you feel about him/her.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What types of family businesses are common in your country?
- Why do people want to run a family business?
- What are the benefits of working with family members?
- Is it easier to get promoted in big companies?

(Shared By T.S)

"Speaking Test Canada, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What was your first mobile phone?
- Do you often use your mobile phone for
text messages or calls?
- Will you buy a new one phone in the future?
- How has your mobile phone changed your life these days?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an important river/lake in your country. Please tell me

- Where it is located?
- How big/long it is?
- What it looked like?
- Explain why it is important?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?
- Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?
- How do river/lakes affect local tourism?
- Are rivers/lakes suitable for transport? Why?

(Shared By G.K)

"Speaking Test Hong Kong, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you like barbecue parties?
- How often do you eat barbecue food?
- Do you invite your friends or family to barbecue parties?
- What dishes do you like to cook on a barbecue?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a local news that people are interested in. Please tell me

- What was the news?
- Where you heard or read the news?
- Who was involved?
- Explain why people were interested in it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why do most people like to read local news?
- Why do people prefer local news rather than international news?
- How do people get the news?

(Shared By A.S)

"Speaking Test Singapore, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What do you like most about where you live?
- Do you have any friends there?
- Do you know any famous person from the area where you live?
- Do you intend to live in this area in the future?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about something you do that can help you focus on work/study. Please tell me

- What it is?
- How it helps you concentrate?
- When you do it?
- Explain how you feel about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do you think people should pay for secondary education? Why?
- Is it good or bad for people to get free secondary education in the future?
- What kind of gifts do companies usually give to their customers?
- Why do consumers like to receive gifts from companies?

(Shared By H.Y)

"Speaking Test Japan, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What would you do to relax?
- Do you think sports are the best way to relax?
- Do you think the holidays are a great time for you to relax?
- Do you think students need more time for relax?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a time you have been waiting for something special that would happen. Please tell me

- What you waited for?
- Where you waited?
- Why it was special?
- Explain how you felt while you were waiting?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What are some of the things that people usually have to wait for?
- Who behaves better while waiting, children or adults?
- Do you think people are less patient now than before?
- What are the positive and negative consequences of waiting for society?

(Shared By T.N)

"Speaking Test UK, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you like your job?
- Are you feeling stressed often?
- How do you relieve stress?
- Do you do any physical exercises or activities?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe about any equipment that you use at home. Please tell me

- What it is?
- What you use it for?
- How often you use it?
- Explain why it is important to you?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What other useful gadgets do you have at home?
- Do you think that youngsters are more comfortable with modern equipment rather than senior citizens? Why?
- These days many factories use machines and automated equipment instead of manual labor?
- Is it beneficial for the environment?

(Shared By N.K)

"Speaking Test India, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
How often do you dream?
- Do you remember your dreams when you wake up early?
- Are you interested in dreams? Why?
- How do you start your day?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a famous person you like. Please tell me

- Who the person is?
- How you know him/her?
- What he/she is famous for?
- Explain why you like him/her?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- When celebrities lose their fame, how do you think it affect them?
- What do you think about celebrity children, do they have a good place in society?
- What are the benefits of having children of famous parents?
- What type of people are most popular in your country?
- What do you think of nepotism among celebrities?

(Shared By V.R)

"Speaking Test Australia, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you like your hometown? Why?
- Do you think this is the right place to grow up? Why?
- How could your hometown be improved?
- Has your hometown changed a lot since childhood?
- Will you be moving away from your hometown?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved. Please tell me

- What is it?
- What you did?
- Why you haven't achieved it?
- Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What ambitions do children usually have?
- Why don't some people have dreams?
- Why are some people so enthusiastic about their work?
- How do people balance work and life?
- How have people's goals changed over the last one decade?

(Shared By J.S)

"Speaking Test USA, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Are you spending too much time alone?
- What was the last time you were alone?
- What would you like to do when you are alone?
- Is spending time alone important?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a cafe you like to visit. Please tell me

- Where the cafe is situated?
- What it looks like?
- What kind of food or drink did you have there?
- Explain why you like this cafe?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do you go to cafes often?
- Why do people like going to cafes?
- Why do some people prefer to work or study in cafe?
- Do people in your country prefer drinking tea or coffee?
- Who drinks coffee more youngsters or senior citizens?

(Shared By G.P)

"Speaking Test Canada, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What do you usually do at work?
- Is there anyone who can help you while you are working?
- What kind of work do you think you will be doing in the last five years?

- Do you want to do something different in the future?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an interesting conversation you had with your companion. Please tell me

- Who you spoke with?
- Where you were?
- What the conversation was about?
- Explain why you think it was interesting?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Is it communication skills play a important role?
- why do people need communication skills?
- What is the difference between talking to a man and talking to a woman?
- What other jobs require good communication skills?

(Shared By B.S)

"Speaking Test Denmark, June 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What is your daily routine?
- Do you ever change your routine?
- Is your routine today the same as when you were a child?
- Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?
- What would you like to change in your daily routine?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about someone who you think is very open. Please tell me

- Who is this person?
- How you know this person?
- Why do you think this person is too open?
- Explain how you feel about this person?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Is it difficult for people in your country to express themselves?
- Who do you think will talk more? men or women?
-What do you think is the difference between boys and girls expressing their feelings?
- Do you think people are more open than before?

(Shared By M.F)


👉Recent IELTS Exams Speaking Tests 2022👈

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