Recent IELTS Speaking Test & Questions February 2022 | IELTS Speaking Test In Saudi Arabia - IELTS Updates And Recent Exams

Recent IELTS Speaking Test & Questions February 2022 | IELTS Speaking Test In Saudi Arabia

"Speaking Test Saudi Arabia, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- From which school did you do your schooling?
- What was your daily routine in the school life?
- Did anyone help you with managing time during your school?
- Do you use your mobile phone to chat more or call more?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an item of clothing that someone gave you. Please tell me

- What the clothing was?
- Who gave it to you?
- Why this person gave you the clothing?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Have you ever given clothes to others?
- What are the advantages of wearing uniforms at work and school?
- Why do people dress differently in different countries?
- On which special-days people wear some traditional dress of their country?
- Why do people wear these special traditional clothes on these special days?

(Shared By U.S)

"Speaking Test UAE, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- In which city did you growing up?
- How was it growing up there?
- What do you like about the countryside?
- Do you want to stay in the countryside?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a person who influenced you during your primary or secondary school. Please tell me

- Who this person is?
- What do you like about him/her?
- How often do you remember this person?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What kind of memories people usually have about their school?
- Do you feel friends from school keep you connected with the school?
- have you visited your school again?
- Why do people always miss their childhood?
- Why do people still remember many of their friends from their elementary school?
- What kind of primary teachers impress students?

(Shared By M.K)

"Speaking Test UK, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like taking pictures?
- Do you like taking selfies?
- What is your favorite family photo?
- Do you want to improve your photography skills?
- Do you think photos are necessary in our life?
- Do you prefer to take pictures with your phone or camera?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a rule that you do not like. Please tell me

- What it is
- Why you do not like it
- How others feel about the rule

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What rules should students follow at school?
- Are school rules good or bad? Why?
- What rules should children follow at home?
- How are you punished for parking in the wrong place?

(Shared By S.T)

"Speaking Test Canada, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- How important is the Internet to you?
- Do you use the Internet a lot for work or in your spare time?
- Do you think that you use the Internet too much?
- Do you think the Internet will change lives in the future?
- Are there some negative things about the Internet?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about the website you use most often. please tell me

- What type of website is this
- How did you know about it
- Why do you find it useful.

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How do you think the Internet will change people's marketing behavior in the future?
- What are the pros and cons of online shopping?
- Is the Internet important for education?
- What about the elderly? Do older people use the Internet more often?

(Shared By D.S)

"Speaking Test Sweden, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Who is your favorite celebrity?
- Do you like any foreign celebrities?
- Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?
- Do you think we should protect the privacy of famous people?
- How do celebrities in your countries generally impress their fans?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about  something healthy you enjoy doing. Please tell me

- What you do
- Where you do it
- Who you do it with

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How can people improve their health?
- Do you think that all diseases are preventable?
- Do you think that in the future there will be fewer diseases?
- Do you think that medicine should be free?
- What makes a person a good doctor?

(Shared By A.J)

"Speaking Test Kuwait, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you like going to street markets?
- What kind of things do you buy at street markets?
- Would you like to go to a street market in another country?
- Are street markets popular in your country?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about someone you really enjoy spending time with. Please tell me

- Who this person is
- How you know him or her
- What you usually do together

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What types of people interact easily with each other?
- What kind of people are hard to get along with?
- Do people now have enough time for communication?
- Does technology make it easier to communicate with family and friends?

(Shared By T.M)

"Speaking Test Australia, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Where did you last go on vacation?
- Do you want to go back there again?
- What kind of tourist attractions do you usually like?
- Has a foreign traveler ever stayed at your home?
- Which country is on your future destination list?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a positive change in your life. Please tell me

- What the change was about
- When it happened
- Describe details of the change happened

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do you think change is good?
- What are the main changes that happen to people throughout their lives?
- Is your country changing rapidly?
- How has the change in technology changed people's lives?
- Why do old people not accept change?

(Shared By L.S)

"Speaking Test New Zealand, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you work right now?
- Do you treat your co-workers well?
- What responsibilities do you have at work?
- Are there good job opportunities in your nation?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a friend who played an important role in your life. Please tell me
- How you met this person
- How long have you known him/her
- What do you do or did together

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What is the importance of friends?
- Do you want to have a few best friends or a lot of friends?
- If you had a problem, would you go to your friends or family? Why?
- Do you think it's always better to talk to your friends about this issue?
- Is it necessary to have friends from other countries?

(Shared By G.K)

"Speaking Test USA, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you like your handwriting?
- Do you think handwriting is important these days?
- Which do you prefer, writing with your hand or typing?
- What is the difference between typing and handwriting?
- Do you often write with a pencil or pen?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a creative person whose work you admire. Please tell me

- Who he/she is?
- How do you know him/her?
- What creative things he/she has done?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What kind of qualities do people need to run their own business?
- What do you think are the key factors that contribute to business success?
- Do the businessman continues to work hard after he has succeeded?
- If you had the opportunity to have your own business would it be? Why?
- What is more important for employment, experience or qualifications?

(Shared By K.T)

"Speaking Test Canada, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Why do people get up early?
- Why do some people like to get up late?
- Do older people in your country like getting up early than young people?
- Do you know someone who likes to wake up early in the morning?
- What kinds of professions require people to get up early?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about something that was broken in your home and then get it repaired. Please tell me

- What is it?
- How it was broken?
- How you got it repaired?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Would you choose to repair things or buy a new one?
- Are IT related jobs given more importance in the society nowadays?
- Is the quality of products worse these days than before?
- What kind of things do people like to fix themselves?
- Why do people prefer to repair their mobile phones in specialized stores?

(Shared By A.H)

"Speaking Test India, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Where do you live in your country?
- Where would you like to live country side or urban area?
- Is this an interesting place to live?
- Are you planning to stay there in the future?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a company or business that has served you well. Please tell me

- What was the service
- Where did you receive the service?
- Who helped you in the company?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do companies in your country usually provide good customer service?
- How can a company solve a problem with its product or service?
- When a customer receives a defective product, what should the company do?
- When customers complain about products or services, does that help companies get better?
- How can the company maintain the quality of the service it provides to the population?
- Do you think it is important for a company to provide after-sales service?

(Shared By H.S)

"Speaking Test Philippines, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you prefer private transportation or
public mode of transportation?
- What is the most popular mode of transport in your downtown?
- Is it easy to travel by bus in your nation?
- Is it popular in your country to travel to work?
- What do you think, what means of transportation will become the most popular in your country?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about your favourite city or a city you have visited that you like very much. Please tell me

- What its name is and where it is
- When you visited it.
- Why you liked it

Part 3 # Discussion #

- In your opinion, what makes the city comfortable for life?
- What are the benefits of living in the city?
- What are the merits and demerits to living in city?
- How can governments improve living standards in congested cities?
- How can people improve the air quality in the city?

(Shared By C.A)

"Speaking Test UK, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you have a healthy diet?
- Do you like to enjoy your food at home or eating out?
- Do you like ordering food delivery?
- Who do you get food delivered with?
- Do you eat differently now than when you were little?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a painting you would like to have in your home in the future. Please tell me

- What is it
- How you know about it
- How much it would cost you

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What is the attitude towards art in your country?
- Do people in your country prefer music to art?
- What traditional art forms exist in your country?
- How can children benefit from learning art?
- Do you think that the state should support the arts and cultural activities?

(Shared By K.K)

"Speaking Test Canada, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you have a lot of friends?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- With whom would you like to be friends and why?
- What kind of person can you be friends with easily?
- Which is more important to you, family or friends?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a people that you know and believe to be very good parents. Please tell me

- Who they are
- How you met them
- Why do you think good parents?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What is important for parents in raising children?
- Do you think both parents play different roles in raising a child?
- Do you think it is sometimes necessary to beat children for discipline?
- What do you think, is it good to encourage children with sweets?
- Do you think parents spend too much on buying toys for their kids?

(Shared By S.T)

"Speaking Test Saudi Arabia, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you like outdoor activities?
- What outdoor sports do you like?
- How much time do you spend outdoors activities each week?
- What kind of outdoor activities are popular in your nation?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing. Please tell me

- What you do
- Where you do it
- Who you do it with

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How can people improve their health?
- How many older people work in your country?
- Do you think all diseases can be prevented?
- Do you think that in the future there will be fewer diseases?
- Do you think that medicine should be free?
- What makes a person a good doctor?

(Shared By A.M)

"Speaking Test USA, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you have a job right now?
- Do you enjoy your job?
- What responsibilities do you have at work?
- How is your typical working day?
- What would you change about your job?
- What work do you think you will be doing in five years?
- What are the qualifications and skills required for this job?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a person you met only once and want to know more about. Please tell me

- Who he/she is?
- When did you meet him/her?
- Why do you want to know more about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What are the ways to communicate with new people?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of meeting online?
- Do you prefer meeting people in person or online?
- How can people be polite to one another?
- Can you give some examples of how people can be polite?

(Shared By M.S)

"Speaking Test Australia, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?
- Do you think family plays an important role in our success?

- With whom do you live best in your family?
- Do you have a large extended family?
- How do you enjoy with your family?
- Why is family important to you?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an advertisement that persuaded you to buy the product. Please tell me

- What advertisement it was
- Was it shown on television, radio or in the newspaper?
- What was good about that advertisement

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What types of advertising are popular in the modern world?
- What type of media advertising do you like the most?
- What factors should be considered when advertising?
- Is advertising really necessary in today's society?
- How do advertisements affect children?
- Are there advertisements that can harm children?

(Shared By V.S)

"Speaking Test UAE, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- How is the weather today?
- What’s your favourite kind of weather?
- Is there a season that you really don't like?
- Does the weather affect the lives of the people of your country?
- Do people change in the summer?
- Does bad weather ever affect transportation in your nation?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an exciting experience you've had. Please tell me

- When it was
- Where you were
- What it was

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Can you compare an exciting activity that people do now with what people used to do 20 years ago?
- Why do some people like to play adventures sports?
- Do you think that some adventures activities should be banned?
- What problems can people face when they try adventure activities for the first time?
- Do you think it is best to do something new with yourself or other people?

(Shared By N.A)

"Speaking Test New Zealand, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- Who do you usually take photos of?
- How do you keep your photos?
- Do you store images on your computer?
- Have you framed any of your photos?
- Do you prefer to send postcards to people or photos that you have taken yourself?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an organization or a company that you know. Please tell me

- How big is it?
- Do you think this company is successful? Why?
- What about the working environment there?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What is the difference between big and small industries?
- What are the benefits of working for large industries?
- Should large companies be punished more severely than small ones?
- How can the company maintain the quality of the service it provides to the population?
- Do you think it is important for a company to provide after-sales service?

(Shared By M.S)

"Speaking Test In UK, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
- What’s your favorite subject in high school?
- Do you still remember your first day of high school?
- Are you still in touch with your school friends?
- Do you remember your life in high school?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an interesting piece of news that you have recently read about or heard about. Please tell me

- What the story was
- Who was involved in the story
- Where you read about this story?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How do people get news in today's society?
- Do you think people will receive news in the future?
- How do modern technologies affect the delivery of news?
- Do you believe that everything you read in the newspaper is correct information?
- Do you think people share good news?
- How do people share good news?

(Shared By S.K)

"Speaking Test In Canada, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- Have you ever lost things?
- What would you do if you found something lost by others?
- Will you post on social media if you lose your any thing?
- Do you report to the police when you find something lost? Why?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a story you remember someone told you. Please tell me

- What the story was about?
- Who told you this story?
- Why you remember it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do parents in your country read fairy tales to their children?
- Why do children like stories?
- What can children learn from stories?
- Do young children like the same stories do children admire most?
- What kind of characters in stories do children admire most?
- How do people tell stories to children?
- How has technology changed storytelling?
- Do you think children can tell the difference between real and fictional stories?

(Shared By N.S)

"Speaking Test In Netherlands, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- How important is the Internet to you?
- Do you use the Internet a lot for work or in your free time?
- Do you think that you use the Internet too much?
- How will the Internet change life in the future?
- Are there any negative things about the Internet?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe an important decision you have made. Please tell me

- What the decision was
- Why you made that choice
- Who helped you make the choice

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why is it difficult for some people to make decisions?
- How important is it to seek advice from other people when making decisions?
- Why is it sometimes difficult to get advice?
- What are the most important decisions young people have to make?
- Do you agree that guardians should make important decisions for their children?
- Is it better to make decisions based on what you want or what other people want?

(Shared By R.K)

"Speaking Test In USA, February 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

- Have you ever been on a boat?
- Do you like to travel by boat?
- What are the Pros and cons of traveling by boat?
- Do people in your country like to ride by boat?
- Will it become more popular in the coming years?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a time you were late for something. Please tell me

- When it was
- Why you were late
- How did people react to your late arrival?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How do you generally feel about being late in your country?
- Give an example of the fact that it is very important for people to arrive in your country on time?
- Can you suggest any ways to make sure that you are not late to anything?
- Do you think computers make time management easier or harder?
- How can modern technology help people arrive earlier?
- Do you think it's easy to manage your time in the modern world?

(Shared By M.S)


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