125+ Words To Use Instead Of Very In English | Vocabulary Band 9 PDF
125+ Words To Use Instead Of Very In English
Have you ever noticed how often use the word VERY?
Here is a list of 125+ words to use instead of VERY in English.
VERY, a commonly used English word, it gives a stronger meaning to an adjective or adverb. It works like a boost modifier, changing its value after being added. But due to its overuse, your writing or speaking becomes boring and monotonous.
So start using more appropriate words instead of "very" and don't repeat it. For example, you can use “excellent” instead of “very good”.
Here is a list of many English words you can use instead of very:-
. Very accurate - precise, exact, flawless
. Very aggressive - forceful, hardline
. Very amazed - astounded, shocked
. Very angry - furious, enraged
. Very anxious - restless, fretful
. Very aware - conscious, apprised, mindful
. Very bad - awful, appalling, miserable
. Very basic - rudimentary, simple
. Very beautiful - gorgeous, stunning, exquisite
. Very bony - skeletal, angular
. Very boring - tedious, dreary, mind-numbing
. Very bright - dazzling, radiant, blinding
. Very capable - efficient, competent, skillful
. Very careful - fastidious, precise, scrupulous
. Very caring - compassionate, kind, attentive
. Very civil - polite, courteous, cultured
. Very clean - spotless, stainless, hygienic
. Very clear - transparent, glassy, crystal
. Very clever - brilliant, ingenious, crafty, sharp
. Very cold - freezing, glacial, frosty, polar
. Very colorful - vibrant, vivid
. Very competitive - ambitious, driven
. Very concerned - worried, distressed
. Very confident - poised, self-reliant, secure
. Very confused - baffled, clueless, dazed
. Very conscious - deliberate, premeditated, willful
. Very consistent - constant, unfailing, harmonious
. Very dangerous - perilous, unsafe, dicey
. Very dark - black, ebony, sooty, lightless
. Very decent - civilized, courteous, noble
. Very deep - abysmal, bottomless, cavernous
. Very deformed - twisted, contorted, misshapen
. Very delicate - subtle, slight, fragile, flimsy
. Very desperate - frantic, fraught, grave, hopeless
. Very determined - resolute, adamant, tenacious
. Very different - unusual, distinctive, unlike
. Very difficult - complicated, complex, demanding
. Very dirty - filthy, foul, grimy, polluted
. Very disagreeable - contrary, obnoxious, offensive
. Very dismal - miserable, cheerless, depressing
. Very distinct - clear, definite, patent, evident
. Very dramatic - theatrical, histrionic
. Very dry - arid, parched, sere, dehydrated
. Very dubious - suspicious, skeptical, cynical
. Very eager - impatient, ardent, fervent, keen
. Very easy - effortless, unchallenging, simple
. Very educational - enlightening, informative, revealing
. Very efficient - competent, proficient, resourceful
. Very embarrassed - mortified, humiliated, ashamed
. Very emotional - demonstrative, sensitive
. Very enthusiastic - zealous, eager, fervent, ebullient
. Very exciting - electrifying, thrilling, breathtaking
. Very expensive - costly, overpriced, extravagant
. Very fair - equitable, impartial, neutral
. Very firm - set, frozen, solid, hard, rigid.
. Very fizzy - effervescent, frothy, foamy
. Very fluffy - fuzzy, fleecy, feathery, cottony
. Very fond - devoted, attentive, enamored
. Very fragile - tenuous, frail, delicate
. Very friendly - gregarious, outgoing, chummy
. Very frustrating - exasperating, infuriating
. Very full - overflowing, bursting, packed
. Very funny - hilarious, hysterical, rollicking
. Very faithful - loyal, devoted, staunch
. Very familiar - common, established, typical
. Very famous - renowned, eminent, legendary
. Very far - distant, remote, isolated
. Very fast - rapid, swift, blistering, supersonic
. Very fat - obese, corpulent, rotund
. Very fertile - prolific, productive, fruitful, rich
. Very few - meager, limited, negligible
. Very fierce - vicious, ferocious, savage, keen
. Very good - superb, excellent, outstanding
. Very graceful - flowing, supple, lithe, willowy
. Very greedy - gluttonous, avaricious, insatiable
. Very hairy - shaggy, furry, bushy, unshaven
. Very happy - ecstatic, overjoyed, blissful, elated
. Very hard - inflexible, steely, tough, rigid
. Very healthy - flourishing, fit, robust, hale
. Very heavy - leaden, ponderous, weighty
. Very helpful - supportive, accommodating
. Very honest - sincere, forthright, frank
. Very hot - burning, blistering
. Very hungry - starving, famished
. Very immature - childish, infantile
. Very immoral - depraved, decadent
. Very important - crucial, vital, essential
. Very impressive - extraordinary, remarkable
. Very inebriated - intoxicated, drunk, soused
. Very informal - casual, unceremonious
. Very intelligent - brainy, clever, bright, gifted
. Very intense - severe, extreme, fierce
. Very interesting - fascinating, remarkable, riveting
. Very jealous - envious, resentful
. Very juicy - succulent, moist, ripe
. Very large - huge, humongous, mammoth
. Very lavish - excessive, posh, luxurious
. Very light - buoyant, weightless, airy
. Very likely - expected, imminent, probable
. Very lively - energetic, vivacious
. Very logical - rational, credible
. Very lonely - isolated, deserted, forlorn
. Very long - extended, extensive
. Very loud - deafening, booming, blaring
. Very loved - adored, precious, cherished
. Very lucky - charmed, blessed, fortunate
. Very moody - morose, temperamental, unstable
. Very much - plenty, oceans, heaps, loads
. Very much so - of course, absolutely, precisely
. Very musical - melodic, melodious, harmonious
. Very near - handy, close-by, convenient
. Very neat - orderly, tidy, uncluttered
. Very negative - pessimistic, defeatist, cynical
. Very new - novel, innovative, fresh, original
. Very nice - enjoyable, pleasant
. Very numerous - abundant, copious, myriad
. Very obvious - apparent, clear, evident, visible
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